The Marketing Collateral Management Plus (MCM) system offers extensive options to produce, manage and use all kinds of marketing materials.

The layout and appearance of the materials is defined in templates, ensuring consistency of your house style.

The content information, e.g. product descriptions, can be entered by any product manager via an internet connection and a web browser. The layout of the brochure in which the product description needs to be placed is executed via a graphic work station and design software. The document can be created fully automatically, as long as all the rules are pre-set, or the designer can create the layout interactively. A mix of methods can be used in many situations. The MCM Plus system offers extensive possibilities to create materials efficiently.

Then, a finished document can be retrieved by the product manager via a web interface. When the product manager approves the brochure, the document can be used for further production or uploaded to the company website.



There are often many different people involved in the creation of a product brochure. There are product specialists who know the product information in detail, marketing specialists who know how a product has to be positioned within a particular market sector, copywriters and translators to create or translate text and designers to create the document according to a given style.

The MCM Plus system knows which users have which roles. It is easy for product managers to see a complete status overview of the various product documents.

The workflow options show everyone’s involvement and tasks. When a task is completed, the next step is defined in the workflow. This ensures that everyone is informed properly about the next step to be executed and shows accurate information about the progress of product documents.



Materials can be created in different languages in MCM Plus – so-called ‘variants’.

A language variant is a translated copy of a source document. So, when the text is modified in a source document, it is highlighted in all the language versions and linked to this source document to show that it needs to be translated again or, at least, verified.

Illustrations that are the same in all language variants are placed in the source file and copied automatically into the different versions.

Tables are often used in product documents. MCM Plus provides specific functionality to manage different variants. Table information is displayed depending on the language or geographical area for which a product document is used. So a table can be constructed from language-specific data (such as headers), data that is the same for all variants and metric data that is used in certain countries or imperial data used in others.

easy translation MCM Plus Chinese



Templates are used for document designs. All specific house style rules are embedded in the templates to guarantee consistency. Creative Cloud software from Adobe is used for document design and offers unlimited options to create all sorts of publications, whether it is a document that has to be printed or placed in an app on a smartphone or tablet. The Creative Cloud software is integrated seamlessly within the MCM Plus system.

The designer receives instructions and files via MCM Plus functions that are added to the Creative Cloud. When the designer has finished designing the materials, these are stored centrally and securely in the MCM Plus system and the result is made available for checking via the workflow. When the document is approved, it is placed in the MCM Plus ‘document library’ where it is available to all the users in the organization.



An organization can create hundreds, if not thousands, of different marketing materials to support sales quickly.

For example: product leaflets, brochures, catalogs or user manuals. For organizations that operate internationally, these materials need to be available in different languages and they can be created efficiently with MCM Plus. When ready, the materials are available directly to the organization via the ‘document library’. Sales departments can use various search criteria to locate different documents.

These documents can be downloaded or forwarded to clients as PDF files, when required. It’s also possible to send a request to a print shop for a document to be printed from the document library or it can be linked to a product app. Communication with the printer then takes place fully automatically. Because your marketing materials are accessible easily by everyone, optimal use in their development is made of your investment.